Indian.Community Podcast

Healthy Indian Noodles and Pasta: The Vinod Chendhil Story | Indian.Community

Vinod Chendhil Episode 15

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Naturally Yours:
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Transforming Indian Noodles: The Naturally Yours Story

In this 15th episode of the Indian Community Podcast, hosts Amit Gupta and Rahul Mehra welcome Vinod Chendhil, co-founder of Naturally Yours. Vinod shares the journey of how he and his wife Priya started Naturally Yours to provide a healthy alternative to traditional noodles and pasta, focusing on whole grains and eliminating preservatives and chemicals. The discussion covers the inspiration behind the brand, challenges in product development, customer feedback-driven innovations, and plans for future expansion. Vinod also highlights the importance of listening to customers, the strategic approach to growth, and shares personal anecdotes about working with his wife as a business partner. Moreover, the episode explores the potential for international expansion and addresses rapid-fire questions on Vinod's food preferences and dream customer moments.

00:00 Introduction and Welcoming the Guest
01:12 The Inspiration Behind Naturally Yours
01:44 The Journey of Creating Healthy Noodles
04:43 Expanding the Product Range and Listening to Customer Feedback
06:11 The Importance of Customer-Centric Approach
07:48 The Importance of Listening to Customers and Providing What They Need
09:50 The Role of Partners in Business
22:03 The Challenges and Rewards of Working with a Life Partner in Business
26:24 The Strategy for Expanding Distribution
35:10 The Importance of Product Trials and Customer Feedback
35:39 Handling Negative Feedback and Continuous Improvement
36:52 Adapting to Customer Preferences and Dietary Restrictions
37:24 The Role of Feedback in Product Development
38:43 International Expansion and Finding the Right Partners
40:35 Observing Changes in Customer Behavior and Preferences
42:19 Potential Partnerships with Hospitals and Schools
43:57 The Importance of Honest Product Labeling
44:56 The Future of the Brand and Potential Investor Relations
48:40 The Role of Packaging in Branding and Marketing
58:02 Exploring New Product Categories and Innovations
01:00:42 The Influence of Travel and Food Culture on the Brand
01:05:15 Dream Customer Moments and Future Aspirations


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Hello and welcome to the Indian Community Podcast. My name is Amit Gupta with my co host Rahul Mehra. Today, our special guest is Vinod Chendil. Vinod is the co founder of Naturally Yours, a pioneering brand that offers a healthy alternative to traditional noodles and pasta. With a background in marketing and sales, Vinod alongside with his wife and business partner Priya, has passionately pursued the mission of integrating whole grains into delicious, quick to prepare meals. Both of them, their dedication to health, nutrition, and the elimination of preservatives and chemical additives in food shines through in their innovative product range. So Vinod, I'm really excited to meet you today welcome once again to the Indian Community Podcast.



Track 1:

Thank you guys. Thank you so much for inviting me over and to hear my story and hopefully it is very helpful to people out there. Yeah, so we can dive right in. So,


Excellent, great. And we know since you mentioned your story, let's start with your story. Why did you start yours? What, what inspired you to focus and create this beautiful. Healthy noodles and pasta brand and especially I'm very curious because I don't think you come from a manufacturing background. So how was it? Why? Why did you start and how was their experience in setting up this thing?

Track 1:

so it came from a very personal problem, right? So, my son and we are, we have two kids who are aged 10 and 14. And they love noodles, right? They love noodles. Like any, any kid of their age, they love noodles and pasta. And regularly, almost every week we used to either buy the noodles from the market or make it at home. But the ones that you usually get at least in the Indian market were no. A lot of it was made with Mida. It had huge amounts of sodium. Some had enough sodium to be consumed in a, in a day's time there was available in one packet. Right. So those are very disturbing things that we were seeing in in the packet for package food industry. And we said, you know, is there no, as a parent, we wanted to give them a batch better. And we said, why don't we try to find brands around that? But there was unfortunately at that time three, three and a half years back, when we started this there was no brand who was solving for this. And we said let's try, let's try and do it. And one of the first things that we did was that let's try to do it. You know, today's you know, everybody understands millet and all that. In fact, I have a packet of millet noodles. So this was the first stew that we made, and the inside was very simple. It combined with something which our kids were very passionate about. And we knew at that time, you know, the millets is something that traditionally we used to consume. But kids didn't like the taste of millets as such, in the, in their true form. So we said, why don't we try to give? Them in a form that they love,



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right? Like, the way our grandmothers and grandmothers used to fry it, right? If you don't eat vegetables, they used to mix it with rice and give it to you. So the insight was from that. See you know, so let's, we said, let's take millet and put it in something, a format which they love, which is noodles, and then give them, right? So that's when we started sourcing where we could make it, how we could make it, and all of that. It was a very tough journey as such but we finally cracked that how to make the food. But the second challenge was the masala, right? With kids, the masala needs, the taste needs to be very good. And now we are coming to know it's not only kids, it's all Indians. All of us. want tasty food, right? To healthy cannot be up. Not tasty food. Many basically, I mean, it is not said, right? So we said, okay, let's crack and we had a very big problem in the sense that, you know, we couldn't add any patient answers like NSC. We couldn't add any artificial coloring agents. We could do. We couldn't do all of that because then we would not be true to what we are trying to differentiate ourselves with. So it took us some time, but we cracked that tastemaker. Finally, and then the kids really loved it. And then we said, you know, hey, we might have something here. Then we started our journey with this one SKU and then slowly started building more and more, more and more SKUs. Today we have 12 SKUs in the Noodle and Pasta space. We have a wheat based Noodle range. We have a gluten free range as well. Because nowadays, this gluten free was started about a couple of years back. Again, you know, the insight there was not from our kids, the insight was from our customer feedback, right? So we have our own website through which we have a lot of our customers who buy regularly, and they constantly give us feedback. Hey guys, why don't you make this? Why don't you make, you know, this particular grain? Why don't you make with buckwheat? Why don't you make with quinoa? So one of the suggestions that we got was from a customer whose kid was, a celiac patient and in India, nobody was making any celiac based noodles or pasta, right? So she was tired of giving the same gluten free options to her kid. And she said, you know, guys, why don't you make something like this? I would love to buy it. And that's when we started exploring because for a gluten free product, we wanted to make it in a separate facility as well, right? Which is completely gluten free and all of that. So that was again tough, because it increases the cost. drastically. It's not like you make in one batch and one batch you don't make. We wanted the facility itself to not handle any gluten at all. So there's no cross contamination. So, so that took time, but we eventually cracked that as well. So gluten free range is one of the fastest growing range for us today. And that, that was especially from a consumer insight. So that's how, you know, even today, when we are expiring, even in the future, also, when we expand, we always ask our customers, Hey guys, what do you want? Right. We don't look at competition. We don't look at what other brands are doing, whether it is our own competition or whether it is an MNC or whether it is any international brand. We only look at what our customers want. And that is something that we have ingrained it to the last level. Even the salesman is encouraged to come with ideas with what their retailers want, what their retail customers are asking for. Because that is how you build a, at least in India, that is how you build a successful product. Because if your consumer doesn't want and you build a product, then it's very, you know, good luck trying to sell that. Right? So that is something that we want to, you know, we train them from day one. You know, listen to your customer, listen to your customer. And then come back with all that feedback. And that's how we have grown. Whatever that we have bootstrapped now, whatever we have grown to the last 2 3 years, it's been through all internal accruals, through all word of mouth, nothing more than that. And we are very grateful to our customers to be able to give all that kind of love, right? Because there are like highly funded organizations in this particular segment and MNCs. So we are able to stand tall amongst them. So, and that is testament to the fact that these customers love us and then have been coming back and again, choosing our pack or somebody else's pack. Right? So that is what is going for us


It's amazing.


Amazing. So I, I, I love everything that you said Vinod, there is one comment that I have, which is you, you made a statement that in India it is important to listen to customers and this is true everywhere in the world because any brand, any successful brand if it has to become truly successful, it has to listen to its customers and give them what they need. Right. There there is a difference between the need and the want. So I, I think with naturally yours, your customers may be wanting to have they, they want to have pasta and noodles. We, we all know that we all love noodles and pasta. We've all grown up eating them. but what we need is natural and, and healthy snack. Right? We, we don't need. The wrong sort of chemicals and,

Track 1:

and tasty



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and tasty.


be tasty. If it's not tasty, then

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There's no way,


that's like the first threshold, right? Taste is

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no way. There's no way.


like a medicine.

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Yeah. Yeah. And we don't want it. So the idea was that you should not take that medicine and healthy can be tasty as well. Right. So that is again, a myth where you cannot do all of that. So we wanted, and it, and it should for the modern day woman who is working and who is working as, as much as a man. So she, even if she wants to go for, even if the man wants to go, it has to be simple and it has to be fast. Right. So the barometer for our products is that I should be able to cook it. Right. So, because I am one of the worst cooks possible. So, within the patience that I have, if it passes that test, then I think we have a product that, you know, is good. Right. So, so that's, that is something that we want, that it should be, you should be able to cook it fast as well. So, today we have customers who are even kids kids who are in hostel who are buying from us. Right. And that is because of this insight. Right. You know, it has to be quick. It has to be easy to make it.


right, right. Vinod,


one thing that I would like our listeners and viewers to know early on in this episode is that Vinod's brand naturally yours is endorsed by someone really special. the food Pharmer of India, Revant, Revant, Himatsingka, he has come on air and, you know, acknowledged that this is a brand that you should be consuming. So, when I saw that that post you know, I was so excited because we had been speaking you know, for some time and when I saw that I was like, Oh my God, this is, this is one of the best endorsements that I can see to to what we know this trying to build. What did you feel when you saw that post?

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And this is the second time he has done that, right? So it's not the first time that he has done, he has done the second time. And we have almost every big influencer food influencer. If you look at any food, any food influencer that is there in the market, right? All of them have recommended our product. Right. And, you know, just to tell the audience that we have never done any of the paid endorsements with any of them. They're too small for all of that, but it is, it is exactly. So they have all, all of them have tried at least for our brand, I can speak that they've tried the product and they've actually gone through the ingredients. They have gone through the tasting and that is how they have recommended it. So we have not given it free of cost to him. He has given his own money and bought it from, I don't know. I don't think he has bought it from our platform as well. So that, you know, we will try to influence from anything at that. He's bought it from a different platform and then he has tried it. And it is in his own independent review. And that is what makes it even more special for us, right? So we don't have any huge brand ambassadors, but it is such influences if they come across and say that, you know, Hey guys, this is an alternative to an international giant. Now, that itself was a great lesson to us. So, so we had a gala day at, at office and then we shared that with our community and they were also super happy and about something that we have been working on for so many years. So, it felt worthwhile. That would be one word if I want to describe it as.


here you are. Yourself are a brand ambassador now. You know, on today, on this podcast, you yourself are a brand ambassador. And I would like to, know, to tell our viewers that this is not a paid promotion at all. And you should go to

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can't afford it.


in, is that right? Naturallyyours. in is

Track 1:

That's right.


Go there, buy the products, taste it, you know, try them, taste them, and then leave your feedback in our comments. I think it's the


guests, Ronit Jain, we sent him your noodles because he was telling us he's very much inclined towards nature. In fact, he has a brand called NAE, which is called, stands for made of earth.

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he, he's also very much nature focused in himself and even in his practices he does meditation. He's, he's a young entrepreneur. I think that perfect. Persona that, that we speak about. Okay. And we, we sent him your products and he was so thrilled and he, he sent me a message. I mean, these are tasty. These are so good. And he really enjoyed them. So when I hear that from you know, that younger generation, and I can see that they are also conscious about what they're putting into their

Track 1:

Absolutely. Absolutely.



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So that is a good, there's a good set of consumers that we have who are from the next generation, right? And that is what makes us you know, very, very happy about what we are doing because, you know, let me give you a fact here, right? I don't know whether you guys know about this, but this is a this is a fact that blew my mind when we were actually, you know, not while building it, but we were, we were trying to understand the noodle market a bit more. So we came across a fact that we said that, you know, Indians consume six billion cups of noodles every single year, six billion cups, right? So, and, and the second fact that blew my mind is that if you look at the northern part of India, they consume a lot of your chapatis and rotis and all of that. In southern part of India, it's you know, your idlis and dosas and all those kind of dishes, right? But noodle is the only food which is consumed uniformly across, right? So there is no bias that So that's why 6 billion cups. So we said that this is one, it is great validation that we are in the right segment, but the second it is also worry because almost everybody's consuming junk that means, right, and they're consuming twice or twice



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a year. Pardon?


it's the most crowded segment, right?

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It is, but we never thought about all of those things, right? So we just wanted to solve that problem, and we said this is a problem that today people have, and tomorrow, going forward, a lot more people will have, and they will be looking at alternatives. And when they look at those alternatives, we want to be there for them, right? So, so we were predominantly to go back to the same idea. We were predominantly more of online first brand for the first two years of our journey. And it is our consumers who nudged us, who said, you know, guys we want it to be available at the nearest store. Why don't you guys make it? You would have seen some posts on Twitter as well, right? People suggesting So, so now the entire journey is now towards gearing and making it available to consumers near their house so that they can not only they, even the entire community around that particular area, they can be able to find those products, right? And the endorsement that we are getting from them is pretty phenomenal. Like I'll give you an example, there is a store in Matura, it's a sweet shop. They sell sweets. So, we told the sweet shop owner that, you know, Sir, your area is very good. And please keep our products. And he was shocked. He said that, Sir, I am selling for a living junk. I am selling sugar. And your product is healthy. Who will come and buy from here?



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said, Sir, you try four packets. Because your quality of product is very good. or he's in consumer. So, What? So, somehow we got convinced and he tried it and today is one of the biggest account in that particular area for us.


That's me.

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selling very good quantities for a sweet shop. And last time when I went there, he was so, happy that, that he found a segment that he thought he would never sell, right? So we are finding that even in pockets where you wouldn't you know, like where you wouldn't even think there will be customers, right? So, so that's, that is what is giving us insight into the India Next, right? India Next is ready for products like this. India Next doesn't want saying that they want what they want is good quality product at a good price at a value price and to be available consistently the quality should be available and to be available at every place that they want if they go online they should have it If they go offline, they should be able to have it. So they're very demanding consumer. They also are pretty loyal from what I see, right? A lot of people say that Indian consumers are not loyal in this thing, but I feel if you give the right value prop, there is a good amount of loyalty. At least in food, people don't want to experiment too much as well. Once they are happy with a certain particular brand, they want to stick with that. They will stick with that brand for a considerable amount of years, unless and until. The brand does something really bad.


So, on that point, we know the, you are a new brand and, and we all know, and we are not going to take names of brands that are already in that segment in India, which have been around for a long time. We've all grown up eating those brands market make map. And I, which is saying I am healthy. And I am, I'm this. So was that resistance that you faced in, in that early days, especially that first order, you said the first two years you were online only. So what, what was that resistance? How did you convince people about this particular brand? How did you sell the brand online? How, how long did it take for you to get that first transaction, which is not friends and family, friends and family will come, they'll come, they'll place an order, that organic customer who has come experienced your website and your information and then said, okay, I'm going to an order and your brand is also going to come. Okay. In that premium segment, right? So there is, there's a, there's a, there's a lot of storytelling and convincing that is required. So how did you do that?

Track 1:

So, so we went to the basics of marketing, right? We kept the communication very simple. We did not want to complicate it, right? We went to the, straight away we went to the value prop that the consumers are looking for. So we said, no maida noodles. That's it. That was the only communication that we did. And we kept, we did not say we are the best in this, our taste buds are great, and all, all those things, right? We just said, no maida noodles. Right. And consumers caught on to it and they, they tried. They took, they gave it a try. So your, the biggest challenge is to give, give it a try. So when the consumer started giving it a try then you know that, you know, then once they, they get hooked on to. So we have consumers buying for three, three, five, 5, 000 and 10, 000 rupees monthly from us. Those same consumers two years back have gone, gone on to buy three to 5, 000 rupees on a monthly basis from us now. Right. So that invest, we did invest in that. And at that time, the Meta ads, Google ads, they were much cheaper than what it is today. Today they are at a very crazy exorbitant level, but at the, at those times, fortunately for us, we were at the right time at the right place. And we bought through to all, all the channels, right? Even if it, and then look at an Amazon, or if you look at through our own website, we've got fantastic fashion and a lot of consumers. Now, the next phase of transition happening in the offline world, offline world, it's all about convincing the gatekeepers, because your shop owners or your category managers, all of those things. So that also, we have multiple ways of convincing them, telling them to give it a try, or we give them examples of like the, like the sweet shop that we said. Right. So we show them photos. We show them testimonies of these guy, these store owners. And then then there are always videos like how food farmer you know, endorsed us. So those also help the help now. Right. Initial place was very, very, there was a lot of resistance from stores. But now I think it's becoming easier. So the more available you are, the easier it gets. It's the first 500 stores, which is very difficult and post that, it becomes a little more easier because the store owners are also saying that, you know, it is available in multiple locations. There are big people in this market who are talking about you. So then, then it becomes much easier, right? But the journey, I think that tough journey is still will continue for the next couple of years. And we as a team are ready. So every day we tell, I tell to my team, right? So next two years, we are going to travel like crazy, right? So, so we have, we will try to be present in as many cities as possible and to make it available to consumers across India, right? We don't want to be only a Mumbai specific brand,



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right? So we did that for the first year and now we have moved on to other cities as well.


Vinod, have a question. There's something coming in my mind. You were talking about your team. So also said that you have your wife as your partner,

Track 1:

That's right.


So how do you two complement each other in the business? And

Track 1:

Oh, so


does it affect the business? has it contributed to its success? it's a, it's a little personal one, but also related to work.

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this is a very valid question, right? So we get asked this very often by, even, even by Bankers right? Who, who are giving us a working capital. So, I feel that it's one of the best things that can happen to the business, right? Because when you are running a business, there are a lot of highs and there are a lot of lows, right? The lows are really low and the highs are really high, but the highs are few and the lows are probably more, right? And you need somebody to be able to trust. 100%. Right? And I think your own partner is something that solves that very easily. So I don't need to second guess, right? So whenever I have any issues in terms of so, so to you know, to make it a little more simpler explanation, I think we divide our rules very clearly. So, Priya handles the operations and the finance part of the business. I handle the marketing sales strategy. The same. So I have the you know, the final call in these areas and she has the final call on the ops or on the finance side of things, right? So a lot of time we do consult each other saying that, Hey, you know what? I got this kind of a question. What do you think would be the best thing to do? I do that a lot, and she does that a lot as well. And then we come to a common ground and we say that, why don't you do this? Why don't you try this, this, this, and then it happens. Because she has her strengths which I clearly don't possess in some of those areas. And some of the areas that she needs help, I, I drop in. But that's about it. And I need her to work very beautifully for us.


So she's the woman behind

Track 1:

Absolutely. Absolutely. There's no two ways about it.



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Her role, I have to face, but her role cannot go undenied in this.


one thing I wanted to say. We know the things that he has the final say in, in certain areas.


And that we all know.


Priya once we, when we meet her and when we speak with Priya we have to do a podcast with Priya as well you know, to see, to hear her side of the story and, and

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a little bit more.

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And, and, and to be honest, right, it is not all hunky dory, right? You know, I wouldn't want to give that image that it is not hunky dory when you, even if you have otherwise partnered, there's always a lot of arguments, right? And you need to be able to keep that out of your, right? So that, that is the challenge, right? I would say that is a bigger challenge from, from a perspective for us personally. But apart from that, I think she makes, for me personally, she is the best business partner that I can have. And any business that I want to start, I would definitely want to have her as a partner. I don't know whether she has a similar view, but I definitely have that. You have to, you have to.


and let you know. So you know, you, you'll be surprised. Everybody on this call is in the same boat as you, right? So.

Track 1:

Ah, okay. So


we are also partners since you know, since the time we've met, we've worked together. And for the last 20 years, we, we've been working together. Rahul is also in the same boat. We,

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right? So,


Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Oh, yes.


we go through the same experience. Every day,


But you know, if it's coming along so well, then, you know, it's, it's great. It's great. I would say, you know, that


I can't,


your combination.


I can't think of another partner, then, you know, the, the one that I have, right. And because she's the best in that sense. So we completely understand where you are with this, you know, and I would encourage everybody who's listening to this start a business with with your life partner and see where it goes. And I'm seeing so many successful brands in India. In, in the same you know, arrangement, right? So there is life partners are also becoming business partners and really taking businesses to the next level.




We are seeing so many such examples. Great. You


yes. Yes.


Twitter post that you had on modern trade versus general trade. Right. And especially around the whole that you suggest to a young brand. And you, so would you like to talk about that? And, and why did you say that? So maybe you can tell us what you said and why do you think so?

Track 1:

right. So, I think the tweet that you're referring to, if I'm correct, is about, you know, don't spend too much on modern trade when you're early on and burn yourself, right? Now it might look like I'm trying to take this on modern trade. That's not the case. Right? Modern trade has its role. Modern trade play is a great distribution network. Right? So, but having said that, there's a stage in your entrepreneurial journey that you should be doing it. Modern trade, you can get entry quicker. Your products will go into multiple stores. But that doesn't guarantee offtake or repeat, right? And a lot of times brand use, especially funded brands, use that shortcut, and they pay the listing fee they go into stores, they get their first PO, super happy, super pumped, they share it with all their investors, they are also super happy, and three months down the line, everything is down the drain. So what they do is they find the next modern trade. and do the same, repeat the same thing all over or they would introduce a new product range or new category range and do the same thing all over again. Now, why I feel it's it's, it's a waste of money is because of the fact that modern trade requires a lot more brand growth for you to do that, right? Your brand should be at a certain stage that there is certain demand that people know about your Right. When you go to modern trade as a newbie, you do not have any leverage. Second is consumers that don't know about you, right? So what happens is there you need to keep a promoter which increases your cost, right? In general, that doesn't happen. Usually the person in the shop is the shop owner and shop owner takes responsibility for all the brands available in the shop, including yours. So he's your marketing agent or he's your salesman there inside the shop, right? He's saying, Babu ji, try this new brand. In 100, nobody will tell you that because they are busy with keeping products on their shelf. They are not so the solution to that will be hiring a promoter who will talk about your product. And we all know we hate when a promoter comes and says, sir, we want to run away from that, right? So, so that that is why when you are a newer brand, you shouldn't do that. When you are available in a certain number of stores, then that is the stage that you should go to modern trade to take you to the next level of growth, right? And I'm telling this from my own personal mistake. We did that ourselves as well, right? And we had to backstage it. We lost some money on it and all of those things. But the post was just from a point of view of just back to the community saying that, guys, if you're doing that, please don't do that. And I'm seeing a lot more of our own funded community who is our competitor doing that and spending crazy amounts of money doing that, which I feel is very wrong, even at the stage at which they are, because it will give them a, false sense of confidence that their brand has grown.



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Because once you remove that listing fee, that you know, that massive discounts that you're giving at that store, the business is going to fall and it will fall massively. And then you'll have to scramble to do some other such nonsense, right? So at an earlier stage I would strictly suggest that you don't do. And general trade will actually also help you you know, sharpen your product



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you are going to get feedback straight away, right, with the first meeting itself. And you will be shown the door many times because of those feedback and that will improve your product. Modern trade you are please remember you are trying to fill somebody else's quota of. So they will be happy to take any money that you give, right? So they're not going to say that. They will take it, put it onto their shelves three months and then throw it out. And they're not going to say that they will throw you out. You will be in the belief that you're going to your product. So you will end up the belief that it will sell and which most of the times it doesn't happen. Correct.


That is excellent. So, building that foundation, first, building earning that trust from customers and from trade and then you know, growing your, expanding your, your basis, what you recommend, I, I completely agree with, with what you're suggesting. You know, especially for a younger brand who is yet to receive that feedback? Who's yet to understand? The nuances of the business and scale also brings its own problems, right? So, to maintain that quality, consistency, all of that at that scale, sometimes you'll cut corners because, okay, now the large enterprise is saying, I need this many in this much time.

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And then you're trying to make all of that happen. So growing organically and naturally. Naturally, yours is the right way to do this. I would.

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growing organically is one thing, right? So there are stages to it, like, just like a rocket launch, there are stages to it. And if you are able to crack that at the right stage, then it will be a great accelerator to growth. So, so getting that right, I feel is important. And unless and until you do that, you will be losing massive amount of money in something that you shouldn't have been doing.


Right. Okay. Perfect. And I'll, I'll, I have a segue question associated with what you just said. So today, naturally yours, you're doing very well on the internet and I see you in the market every day you know, speaking to. Retailers and customers. So what is your distribution today? Where can we find your products?

Track 1:

So our major distribution is in Bombay. So we are now currently present in 14 cities. So we have started that very early in the distribution journey. So Bombay is our major hub Bombay, Pune, Ahmedabad, Baroda, Surat, Nashik, Aurangabad. So this is the Western side and Southern India. We are now have established ourselves in Bangalore. So, Bangalore we have just started recently, Bangalore, Chennai we just started last month. So we are expanding in the Southern India. I think in the next leg, we are going to start expanding in Northern India. So we are already present in a few stores in Jaipur, but now we are going to expand in the Northern part of India as well. So slowly we are you know, having our team in place expanding there. So there again, we don't want to just there we have very, very, very clear policies of no dumping stock, you know, being able to give. Partner with the right distributors. So we are really picky choosy in all of that. It takes time. But I think if you are able to do that then the brand starts with a gold footing. Initially itself. That is what we are doing that. Hopefully by end of this year, we are presenting at least 30 plus cities. That's the plan.


That is,


That's cool.


beautiful. And I think you're going to be at Aahaar, in New Delhi, this month in

Track 1:

Yep, yep.


Maidan. So


I'll come and see you.


definitely we would encourage

Track 1:

Look forward to it.


by who's listening to this, watching this, wants to meet up with Vinod, out his tasty noodles. Are you doing trials tasting at at the at the venue?

Track 1:

So we are, we are asking, we have asked for permission. So let's hopefully we, we have those permissions in place and then we could give you a, give you a trial there.


Yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm hopeful about the line like Jackie, you know, there should be a lot of people wanting to try out naturally. So


a It's very crowded if you've not taken part in that earlier. So it's very crowded. You have to have a lot of stock there because if you give free gum, also there'll be a lot of people do it,

Track 1:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, so we are, we are getting some start. Let's, let's hope that by hopefully by tomorrow we will know what's the status of that. But because almost every exhibition that we go, we do a trial and there is definitely a huge crowd around that. And but yeah, but as a food food brand, unless until you try, you give people trials.


what was your reaction when the first customer and when you did a trial for the first time and somebody tried your product and, and they said, you know, or what was your reaction to a first negative reaction?

Track 1:

So, the reaction is same what can we do better? Right. Even today people tell us, even today people give us suggestions. So our first reaction is that what can we do better? Right. What was missing in that? What what went wrong? Right. What did you feel went wrong? Was it a little too dry? Was it a little too thick? Or was it a little too thin? Was it a, you know, what was the issue? Right. So a lot of times as founders, the first reaction usually comes at, How did he say that? Right? So, so we so, it does, it does. But,



Track 1:

But we have very consciously that I have put into that, to myself and to the team that don't get hurt by that. Because that person is not. You know, telling that feedback by taking it free. Yes, paid is hard earned money. Right? And that feedback is a very true feedback. And it is your job to hear it. Right? The idea that, I'll tell you, like, you know, the first masala that we did had onion and garlic in it. So, but our customers turned out to be predominantly Jain customers because we were in Bombay. And they were like, Bhai, why are you putting onion and garlic in this? I don't like it because of that. And that is why we did no onion, no garlic. Not that I am Jane and I want no onion, no garlic. And there was some crazy insight. It is from somebody telling us to boss. This was not good because it had onion and garlic in it. Right. So, so that is important. Even today we get a lot of feedback. Our gluten free product went through so much of you know, alterations in the, you know, in the formula because of the feedback, because gluten free product is. Intuitively, slightly more chewy, slightly more not, people are not used to that kind of a palate, right? So it took us more time to convince the customer into how to make it, what to do with it, all those things. But but it helped us, the feedback from them helped us make the product much better and much stable. What, in what format, even the pasta. And then we were like going back to drawing board and seeing then why the hell it is happening. And and, you know, so we used to immediately refund to those customers and, you know, apologize and all of those things. But we used to also try to scramble and think, you know, what's happening because this is a life. Product and the production is happening continuously. What we can do in the ongoing production, which can be different from what it was. And yeah. So all of those really helps. So feedback, good, bad, ugly, all of them helps.


So naturally you a customer listening brand, always

Track 1:

to be,



Track 1:

be that are, yeah, that is our biggest USPI would say. We listen to our customers like crazy.


So we know there is a, there's a request from potential customers over here in the US. I was speaking to some of my friends about this and I sent you some pictures also of what we are finding in stores over here. when can we see naturally yours coming to the US? Do you have international distribution plans? Are you looking out for distributors and partners in countries like US and Canada?

Track 1:

Absolutely. We are looking for the right partners for sure for an offline from an offline perspective on the online. We are definitely present on,, ebay. So we are present in these three, four five top websites. But I think an offline presence will really help in the US as well because a lot of my cousins also have been our customers. And I'm paying customers. I don't give it to no friends, family, buy free for me. So, you know, in the initial lot, of course we gave them free, but now they are paying customers because of the fact that their kids love it. Right. So I don't need to tell them, I don't need to send them free samples at all. So they have been a lot of my family is in the U S and they have been telling us, you know, every time they come here, they buy it in boxes and then go there. Why don't you. You know, have stores there and all of that. So we need to get the right partners because we are a much younger brand we can't work with large partners. We want partners who understand the segment



Track 1:

because this is a very different segment than what? Other brands other big brands in india do right? So if you are able to get those great, right? Otherwise our primary as a company our focus is more of india to be honest But if there are opportunities that are going to come by, we are not going to say no to them. We are definitely going to be a leader.


So we know when you started this, you know, and, and since you started this and there has been, you know, a lot of I'm sure change in the customer behavior with respect to natural products, you know, and they want sustainable living in natural products. So what kind of a change you have seen since you started?

Track 1:

I think the customer is more they're reading the ingredients. They're reading the pack. They're understanding the calories. They're understanding the sodium content. So, three years back, people didn't understand what sodium content was. Three years back, people did not see what was the protein content in it. Three years back, people did not see what are the calories in a particular pack. So nobody asked us questions on that and, but even though we were talking about that, people didn't understand all of that. So, people only understood that, ki bhai, So, now they, now they want to know ki bhai, kitne grams ka protein hai, kitna sodium hai aapka. So, if you see the food farmer ka post itself, he goes on to say that, you know, hey guys, one of these three brands has high sodium, so be careful. Right. So people can see the, see the post and see which brand it is, but it's definitely not our brand, but because of the fact that we knew from day one, we want to be all of the above. Right. So for us, these were never the option to have high sodium in it and have this thing again, because consumers are all product where people with a high BP and a high blood pressure and you know, all the heart issues and all of that. So we had to be from day one, we had to ensure that we should not put high sodium. We, even though it might feel very counterintuitive, so we ensure that it is that way, right? Again, all from customer feedback.


I just have a question, you know, is your products, a product available in hospitals? they cook these noodles and serve it to their patients?

Track 1:

No, not hospital. We would love to, we would love to


you know, that why are you serving is the stale food all the time.

Track 1:

work with hospitals. That's a great idea. We would but there are some hospitals where there are pharmacies. where we work with them because even those we have found actually sell junk. Most pharmacies, if you say, are actually selling really bad stuff, right? And to the same patients who are there. Inpatient as well as people who are coming to meet them. And so we are trying to convince them, Hey, guys, you know, you are a pharmacy. You're supposed to be selling good products, not products which make people ill, right? So, so, yeah, so that's a distinct, but we are we are seeing a very good reaction from schools, which are having meals at their for their kids at their schools, right? Right. There are a lot of, there's a school, Bombay International School in Mumbai, which serves our noodles once a month to all their kids, right? So schools like that have come forward and said that, you know, hey guys. You know, we really like noodles and we want our kids to have something healthy. So that is something that we are seeing. That again, is a big, big change. People in canteens or in for food, for kids, they usually want to go with the cheapest of the stuff, especially canteens. So for them ready to be buying that at the good rate that was very heartening to see that that change is happening. So that's what has changed, right. So people have started to look at ingredients. People have started to call out brands, which are trying to fool people in the garb of even healthy. There are a lot of so called healthy brands, which are actually also selling junk, right? If you make healthy brands and content them with sodium, it is going to be harmful to you. So you can't do that. People will find that out and call you out on internet, right? And even when they're seeing the pack, they see the back of the pack. You cannot fool customers. I can tell my product is very high in fiber. But high fiber will show next day morning, when, when, when they go to the loo, right? So if I don't pass that test, they're going to say, high fiber toh iski bol raha hai, high fiber kuch nahi hai aisa. Right? So people compare to what we have seen is people compare to that level. And we need to pass all these tests at every stage. And that is when you get a repeat customer.


So that that is very cool. We don't, you know, you mentioned you are a bootstrap company and everything is based on investments that you and Priya have put together. Do you also plan to open up to investors? And this is a question that I was asked by. Investors and he said, Hey, you, you guys are going to be speaking with Vinod next, right? So, because I, I, I work with a lot of investors and I keep them appraised of whom we are speaking with and, and they said, Hey, Vinod is he open to investments? You know, when, when is he going to open up? So that, that was a question because I said. No, right now he's all bootstrapped. He and Priya are managing everything and that's based on our previous conversation, but when are you going to open up? And a lot of investors are looking at you and saying Correct.

Track 1:

That's very kind of you. We did get even after the food farmer post, we got a lot of people who were interested in it. But I feel we are a little probably a year down the line, but that's where we will start looking at very actively. On an ongoing basis, we are okay with speaking with investors who want to come in for the right reasons, right? Who who feel, who understand with the mission that we want to do. Like who understand with what, what we stand for. Who understand that we have a very clear cut category focus, right? So that is something that we want to partner with. That is somebody who we want to bother, but not with somebody who is looking at that. Ki bhai, 6 monh na ke baad bolenge, naya category chalu karo. So, we have had conversation with investors who said that to us. And that, frankly, is no go for us. Because we are very clear that brand making happens in categories. It doesn't happen with you doing multiple categories even before you are a brand in a particular category. And and we have seen that again and again in, in the FMCG startup space. A lot of brands go and do that, and that really dilutes the brand proposition in the mind of the consumers. And that becomes very difficult when you go offline also. Right? When you go offline they, you are going onto shelves. Now, let's say you are a noodle brand and tomorrow you start something snacking. So, you have to fight for your space and placement in the nodal category, you have to fight for your space in, let's say, a snacking category, and let's say you also do some grains, then you have to fight for your space in grain category as well, and you're going to have a three pronged you know, attack that you need to do. And that is going to be really impossible for you to achieve anything, right? This is the insight that we have. And that is the reason why we don't want to do all of those. And if investors understand that we are happy to partner up with them and then, and we are very sure that because we look at. Whatever growth that we had and we for the last three years, we have been profitable. In fact, our profits have only grown, right? And so we use that entire profit back into the business. And we wanted to be very sure of the fact that if an investor comes to us and gives their money, we want to do it for the right reasons. We don't want to do it for burning money. We want to understand how online works. We want to understand how offline works. We want to understand how making work with all our money and we want to do it the right way and then when investor comes, then it is an additional thing. So we want to partner with those guys who understand the business. So if, if there are anybody, any, any person out there who is looking. We would be happy to talk and see, explore, but they should be coming in for the right reasons as well.


That is beautiful. And you know, you had that packet with you. Do you still have that around handy? So

Track 1:

Yeah. Yeah. I think it is. So this has multiple millets


this is the multi millet noodles with ragi.


So what is multi millet? All these.

Track 1:

in it. Yeah. millets in it. So if you can see, it is made with ragi, bajra, little millet, wheat, kodo millet, baniyad millet. So we were, we were one of the first to do this. So people who knocked off this idea started doing just like, you know, just they'll do kodo millet or they'll do baniyad millet or they'll do ragi. So, and same minute noodles. So, they do that. But we understand Indian consumers are very value conscious, right? So, they'll be like, yeh toh ragi wala noodles toh main ghar pe bana lungi. Right? So, if you give like five ingredients on the shelf, ha,



Track 1:

not easy to make. It is not easy to make, but the consumer mindset is such that it is a single ingredient, toh yeh toh main ghar pe main bana lungi. Isme kya ek badi baat hai? So, we


to have puri, stand there, have chole bhature, spoil their health, but you know, but they will, you know, when it comes to healthy things. I mean, a lot of people I still know are very laid back. So there's your contribution. Yeah, so there's your contribution, I would say, you know.

Track 1:

never sell health to those kind of people. We sell that it is tasty. So, we never sell health to them. We never sell.



Track 1:

We sell that it is tasty. You eat it for that. And you eat high quality chhole, right? So, these are high quality noodles. You eat it for that.



Track 1:

That's, that's the way that we go.


one clarification. RA, it's not just millet based noodles, right? So you also have rice kida soya. so it's a wide variety of ingredients so that, that you can find actually. So I was, I was really curious about soya noodles. So that's something that I'm going to. Try and, and source and hopefully, because Soya, we all know is, is very famous for the, as a protein source, right? As a plant-based protein. And I, I discovered this a few days ago with Soya Chop. Okay? So Soya Chop,

Track 1:

So, I have such a, such a famous this thing, right? A dish.


I learned about Soya CHOP was was disturbing to me


There's maida in it.




Actually, a lot of soya chaap is made of maida and on top of that, People eat malai soya chaap, which is loaded with cream.


I realized that and I was like, oh my god, you know, all this while I was eating this soya chaap thinking I'm eating something healthy, but I'm actually eating a naan, you know, like a, it's, it's just maida, it's just maida and, and very little soya flour in it. And I, I like that your positioning is there is no maida.

Track 1:

That's what I'm talking about. There's no maida in it.


So in their soya noodles also, there is no maida.

Track 1:

There's no, none of the products have maida in it. So soya noodles has whole wheat flour in it, but doesn't have any maida in it.



Track 1:

Right? So whole wheat flour we use because it's the binding agent, right? Because noodle has to have a shape and it needs something with gluten, right? So then for gluten free, we use rice. So rice is the binding agent there. So again, it's very simple, right? Noodle making is not a rocket science, right? But you have to get the ingredients right. You have to get the consumer insight, right?



Track 1:

So, soya again came from customers, it


who have made

Track 1:

did not come from,


find rocket science very easy. So you have made a, a natural brand, so you find it very easy. It's not rocket science for.

Track 1:

so if you, if you look at quinoa, I'll tell you the insight for quinoa, what the insight was for quinoa noodles, right? Nobody in India makes quinoa noodles, by the way. I don't think so when in the international market anybody has quinoa noodles. So, so the insight was, the insight was that, um, quinoa as such has something called a saponin on top of it, right? Which makes it slightly bitter. And the Indian quinoa that you get in India is slightly more bitter than the ones that you get from, let's say, Brazil or South America, right? It has more saponin in it, it is much smaller, and it has more saponin in it, which makes it more bitter. And Indians don't like bitter taste. And quinoa has been it's a very famous grain and it is very widely bought now in India, right? Amongst the health people, people who like to eat healthy. Now, the insight from our consumer was saying that, I want to eat quinoa. I like it. My doctor and my gym trainer are saying the same thing. But it tastes so bad, I cannot touch it. Right? And I also had a very similar experience. I said, yeah, this is the right insight. So why don't we use quinoa as an ingredient and make noodles around it? Right? And the insight was as simple as that. And that's where we went and said, if this becomes this, then this becomes that. Like again, buckwheat or kuttu is something that's Why not? So, but coincidentally, it came to be more of a, you know, a lot of Japanese restaurants now are buying from us saying that, okay, it's a buckwheat soba noodles. So, we never went from the fact that we didn't have buckwheat soba noodles inside. We had the insight that customers can eat it even during fasting. So, these are again very, so the entire range is built on those insights. Red lentil, chikki, pasta again has a lot of protein in it. So, it came from an insight from a consumer who are vegan. He said, we don't like chikki or red lentil. We eat pasta made of those only. So, we said, why not make something around that. So that each product has an inside.


personal experience with the red lentil and chickpea pasta in the U. S. has been that it disintegrates very quickly. Right? I'm cooking it and, you know, even while cooking itself it has disintegrated and then the kids don't eat it. So then I have to load it with all those sauces and masalas to, to kind of camouflage that, that taste, which they,

Track 1:

That's, that's the problem with gluten free. That's the problem with gluten free. So if it is not made right, if the proportion is not right, it happens. So, you know, not everybody also has gluten free, right? So, so we need, we need to try to solve that also. So hopefully this year we will have products which solve for those as


that, that is going to be beautiful. Perfect. There was one question which is which is skipping my mind. So I'm going to probably skip that and come back to you with, with another one which is around your packaging, right? So when you take your packaging and, and when you designed your packaging what is that? essential message that you promote on, on top, right? So if you were to bring that back up your your product right? So, and, and now this is a question as a, as a packaging expert. So Rahul over here is, is a brand strategist and, and a packaging master, right? So Rahul, when you look at this what is your key takeaway from here from a package?


So this is a catchy color. You know, it's a catchy color. Yeah, we could slightly improvise on the fonts, which, with which you have used Millet, Tweet and all, you know, so it looks good. The picture could be brighter. The picture that you use could be brighter, but it is right now going well with the yellow color because it's also the same tone. So it looks good. And I understand why you have used the standup because they are easy to do it.

Track 1:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


main thing is your brand is, you know, very clearly visible on top naturally instant noodles, you know, that's the main thing. So a lot of brands try to put very big pictures, try to write this and that, you know, at least your brand name itself conveys a lot naturally yours. So I would say. You know, overall, it's great. You know, overall, it's great. It's working for you. So, it's great. You know,


I like,






try anything. Yeah. Sorry.


I like the value messaging, the three, bullets that you have on the right, where you're getting ready in five minutes, no maida, no junk and no onion, no garlic, so a hundred percent Jain friendly, right? So very clear benefits that I'm, I'm looking at it and I'm able to say, okay, this is what I'm actually getting. from this I, I got my question. It has come back to my mind, which was as a, as a student, I was also living you know, in hostel and then by myself. and cooking has its own nuances, right? So we are not used to cooking at that time. So cup noodles was my savior. And then just put it into the cup and enjoy. Is that a category that you are also thinking of? Because for the students, especially who are unfortunately exposed to unhealthy food and junk at that age where they should actually be having the right. input, right? in, garbage out, right? So if they are going to have junk in, so they will produce junk results. So, I think for that segment, are you having any plans to address their needs, especially their limitations of cooking? Correct.

Track 1:

So why not see anything around models and pasta? We can do that. So we already have done multiple tests for this and, you know, I think we can do that product development is not the challenge here. I think the market may not be ready is my reading here because if you see outside India, almost every I studied in the UK, so almost every hostel or almost every dorm room has a microwave in it. And that's not the case in India, right? In India on Kpa you know, induction tower, right? So for them to heat water and do, and all those things, that's Maggie Noodle still sells more than cup noodles. The reason is, right. So that is what Indians are used to. They're not used to opening up, putting this hot water in it, closing it, waiting for two minutes, and then having, so that culture is not yet caught on. From what I am seeing but in future, it can catch on, right? There is, there are no two ways about it. But outside India, definitely that is how most of the people consume noodles, like Nissan and all of these guys are pioneers in that. So we have the technology, we can do that. But I don't see the consumer insight on that in India specifically. If that comes, we, I don't think so it should not be very difficult for us to do something. Even students, students


segment, especially

Track 1:

are buying packs from us. They are buying packets from us, not this thing. Yes, the 2 o'clock ones, we make them. We make them. Yes, that's a different one. That's a different one. That's going to give encouragement. So, that's fine. And, yes,


I think liquid formula. So that's good. Excellent. vi. Thank you so much for this wonderful conversation. We'll, fun questions that we had prepared for you knowing your affinity towards food. And must catch up with Vinod on Twitter. Every time, whenever he is visiting a new city, a new restaurant, he, he will give you the most honest review and what you should eat over there. So that's what I, you know, I was on Twitter and I saw somebody saying something about a restaurant in what's that? Nasik,

Track 1:



right? And I was like, this is, this is not a food critic, but somebody who has really understood food and he's commenting about it. So I, I would encourage people to follow him for his noodles first, for sure the noodles and but also for some great insightful. restaurant recommendations. I think that's a second career. You should also consider Vinod. I'm going to

Track 1:

Yeah. So, when we are traveling, you know, when we are traveling, we, you know, myself and my team, we love to explore new, Places to eat almost every day. More, more of my team than me, right? So, so because it is a task for them to find certain places for me because I have very, very strict criteria that, you know, this is the kind of food that I won't eat. I don't want to eat in any place, even the chai places, but I want it to be a certain decent way because I don't want to get sick around and then, you know, keep lugging everything around because I visit for short periods of time. And I want to get the job done. So, so yeah, so it's always fun. And just I love eating outside. Hmm,


tell, we can definitely tell. So I'm going to ask you your first rapid fire question. What is your favorite Indian street food?

Track 1:

pani puri.




What is that?


One Indian


ahead. Sir,


dish you could eat every day.

Track 1:

One Indian dish I could eat every day. That is idli. Being a South Indian, I would say idli.



Track 1:



I can also eat every day.

Track 1:



Just with.


wale toh vada pav bolte hain.

Track 1:

Ha. But you know, was when I was younger. now I prefer it. Italy




What is your most memorable meal that you've had at a, at a restaurant while you're traveling?

Track 1:

Co. Recently recently the one which I posted on Twitter, that that restaurant was mind blowing. The taste was amazing, and that is something that I, you know, that restaurant guys, you can go onto my Twitter feed and share that restaurant. It was fantastic. Like if you go there, you should definitely try it. And we just stumbled upon it because we were meeting a shop nearby. And that's how we just stumbled upon it.


was it?

Track 1:

I think green restaurant or something like that. But really good food. Go well ahead in time. Because, you know, it gets full very fast, right? And fortunately we were there around lunchtime. Usually we, we are not that fortunate during, you know, sales visit to eat lunch during lunch time. We usually have around four o'clock, but at that time we had you know, I saw this place. I said to you, why not try it? I think Greenleaf restaurant or something like that. So you can try that out. That was really good. That was really good. This was in Aurangabad.


Aurangabad? So Greenleaf restaurant in Aurangabad is Vinod Chandel certified. Great. A place in India that inspires you the most especially when it comes to food where, where, which city or area would you say? I, I really love to go there and have food.

Track 1:

Bombay. Bombay is like crazy. You get all kinds of, right? If you go to the cow gully, you'll get something in South Indian, something in North Indian, something snack. Some innovative product also you will get. You know, something, some guy inventing something new. So all of that you get only in Bombay. I feel that vibrancy is there in Bombay in terms of food.


tell you last time I was in India, I tried something which I will never forget. Which was a momo pizza, a pizza with a momo inside it.




for you, but here in the US, you can't find something like that. So it is not just creative. It was also a terrific combination. I was, I was amazed. My, my daughter she's 15. She, she loves it. Right. And I'm like, Oh my God, this is, this is crazy. By the way, she's 14, not 15. My, my wife is going to kill me when she listens to this. I saying 15, but it is actually 14.


So the last one is your dream customer moment.

Track 1:

The one which occurred or one which which will occur. One


No, no.

Track 1:

which just already happened or one


means which you want to occur.

Track 1:

Oh, okay. Like, MS Dhoni ordering our product. Yeah.




hope sometimes MS Dhoni listens to this or watches this

Track 1:

Yeah. It feels like I will come personally to to deliver it.


If you need it,

Track 1:



you need any help carrying that packet of noodles, Rahul will also come along.

Track 1:

yeah. Yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent. A hundred percent.


I, anybody will will, will want to accompany you if it is to meet MS Dhoni. So I, I, I hope he listens to this and we'll tag him along into this video and make sure that this catches his attention too. So wonderful. It was such a pleasure talking to you you're, you're like one of those long lost friends that you meet after 10 years and then there's so many things to talk about. We wish you all the best with your adventure, naturally yours and, and I'm also going to secretly pray for all investors to start knocking on your doors and saying, Hey, you know, we want you to grow. And this is, this is what we can do to, to do that. And, and, you know, grow naturally yours as, as the India's favorite destination for healthy food. Right. So I, I wish you all the best for that and you and Priya,


the best.


of you.


All the best to you.

Track 1:

Thank, thank you so much and thank you so much to be kind enough to hear our story.


It's a great story.

People on this episode