Indian.Community Podcast

Toy Industry Revolution: Minali Agrawal's Inspirational PepPlay Journey on Indian Community #22

Minali Agarwal Episode 22

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Track 1:

Hello and welcome to the Indian Community Podcast. My name is Rahul Mehra with my co host Amit Gupta. Today on the Indian Community Podcast, we are excited to welcome Minali Agrawal, the visionary force behind PepPlay, a company transforming children's play with innovative, educational and eco friendly toys. With a rich background in sustainable manufacturing, Minali has steered PepPlay to become a beacon of quality and creativity in the toy industry. Minali's efforts have garnered recognition. including being named the Emerging Women Entrepreneur of the Year 2023, and receiving the Digital Women Award in 2022. Just recently, PepPlay has been honored with the Pan India Award for Best Upcoming Brand in the Kids and Parenting Direct to Consumer Industry. Today, Minali will share her journey of innovation and sustainability in the toy industry. And how she's helping to shape the future of child development through play. Join us as we explore the story of PepPlay and Minali Agarwal's mission to bring joy and learning to the children worldwide. Minali, welcome to Indian Common Ready Podcast.


and thank you for inviting me for this meeting and it's my honor to talk to you


Hey, Welcome to the show, Minali. Minali. Can you please share a quick walkthrough of your journey from being a techie to a mom, preneur, and now an emerging business leader in the toy industry?


We are just growing. So business leader in toy industry is a very big term. We are just our journey. So, I was with Accenture for like, 10 plus years. But the roots are from my childhood where creativity has always been. in me. My, my school always nurtured, you know, they had a special focus on SUPW, how we are creating you know, crafts using the waste material and being in Accenture also, always my hobby was to keep doing some creative stuff. So when I became Um, that, that was something which always I was looking for some, you know, creative educational toys for my daughter, where she's being engaged with the toy for a longer time. And, um, all the options that were available in India were either imported. We're coming from the Europe and finally it was, everything was made in China. My family is into manufacturing from like the past 30, 40 years. My, my father was also a businessman and, um, while working in Accenture, it just struck me that why everything is made in China, why we can't do things in India also. And with that thought process we thought that let's start something in India. We have a good You know, infrastructure here. We already had three factories in India, near Mumbai, and we have a good manpower around us. And it was just the idea that had to be struck. And since I was a mother, I knew the gap in the market that these are the products for, you know, not available. So the only crayons that were available were. Kamleen and the one that we were using till now. And that time I understood that people are looking for, you know, more options because India is rapidly growing. And the spending part in India is also increasing and people are looking out for more options. When they go for foreign trips, they are buying a lot of stuff for their children because was not available in India. So the thought process that was that, that we have to bring. All these things in India and make them in India because when we were launching PepPlay time due to COVID there was a sense of don't use Chinese products and, you know, those kinds of. Talks were going in and that, that was a time when we were thinking, okay, we have to bring something. So, you know, the combination was so right that people were looking for options where it says made in India. And we were putting a lot of efforts to do that, but, um, but it's not easy. we can discuss about it. Like it was a challenging thing to start something. Fresh in India, but yeah, so that, that was how we started PepPlay from it journey to PepPlay


So pep play was, um, formed during the covid times. Is it a covid baby in that sense?


So we started about I mean, I had quit my job in Accenture before COVID COVID happened after that. So we had started thinking about starting a toy company in December, 2019. Till that time, I think COVID had not come. It had come in 2020


Yeah, March it, so it was happening in China around that time, but by the time it spread out was March, April 2020.


yeah. So it was just a coincidence that I quit my job to start a toy company because we all, we are already into injection and blow molding machines. So that's our main business. So I wanted to start some, something in toy in, in the family business only then COVID happened. because the COVID happened, I was spending too much time at home to understand that what is the gap. And that was the time when parents were looking for independent toy options, because they wanted children to be independently engaged because the mother was doing the house chores also. They were doing work from home also. And they were spending a lot of time teaching the children I mean, they were doing the schools also. So they wanted some time where a child is engaged for a longer time. Without saying mama papa, you know like that so and that was a time when PepPlay was being You know conceptualized and everything. So we were making toys where a child is engaged for a longer time independently. That was our, you know, the roots of our company. that's it. That is a reason we were able to tap and reach to the maximum people because that was the need of the hour.

Track 1:

Great. But you know, competition from Chinese product was really large and it's even, I think even today still it is. So how did you know, think about pep play and did you have a strategy to compete with all those products in the market? How would you make inroads? Was there something in the mind and was there a plan?


Um, there was no plan as such, um, because, um, tell you the truth how China has worked out in last, Two decades or three decades is something we have to learn. I mean, I really like their strategy of developing things and how they're doing. So I would say when in first year, everybody was saying no to China, I was saying learn from China. That was my, my, you know, um, agenda or, you know, my slogan, which I was telling people when people were saying that No to China. And I was saying you have to learn from China because you cannot just shut the door the supplier of the world. We need to understand that how they are doing it, what they are doing it, what kind of services they are doing. And

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understanding how the international brands are working, why they are going there, what kind of services that China is giving, then only I could, you know, you know, similar thing here because our goal was not to just sell in India. We were very clear that we want to create a brand for the world and whatever products we are building, it will be for the world. So for me it was never that we have to just sell in India. So if the toys are banned in India, we are doing good. My focus was that we have to go on amazon. com and, you know, US market, Europe market, where we will be directly compared with China products and the biggest challenge that comes when we have been compared is the price point, because when Chinese companies are manufacturing the products in lakhs. Because that is the volume they are doing. We are just doing in few thousands. So, that challenge we are still facing where we are not able to match the price, but just to you know, into the market we are trying to sell the product with very low margins. is the only strategy to sustain in the market.


Quality? Are you, um, are you trying to differentiate through quality, packaging, branding? Is that something that you're considering?


So, um, one thing which was not there before PepPlay had started, there are only few companies in India, which are very conscious about quality. So in India there is a misconception that if it is made in India, the quality will not be good. Somehow will never be good if it is made in India. And if it is made in India, it has to be low in lower price, but It's opposite when you're making in India, since you're doing everything from scratch. So I would say that, like, I'll tell you velvet coloring card is the first product that we made in India. This is my first Peplay product, which we came up with. So the technology to make this product was not there in India. It's a common product in China, but it's not the overall technology was also not there. we went to different you know, textile people to understand how it can be made. And we did everything from the research from zero. And that's why the cost to develop the product was much higher than what. What it was coming from China. But the thing was that this product was not available in India and people really loved it because here the black part is a velvet. the colored part, this white part is where a child has to color. So I'll show you the not colored one. So this is the, this is how it looks. So the white part is where a child has to color and the color doesn't come out because this is black. So it boosts a lot of confidence and we have come up with the Indian, you know, the meditative, this is the tree pose. Where we have shown When you do the meditation the pranayam with the Tree pose, your roots are strong and you get this aura with all the, you know, things. So this is something which,


Sorry. Sorry to interrupt you. This is a beautiful piece. Rahul, I want, I need this for Christmas. Because I'm naturally attracted to the mandalas and these aura kind of images, Minali. So, I really love this one.


So, you know,

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And this a deeper meaning.


so the differentiator, you say enough from China, how we are differentiated, I think we are differentiating with the designs because we have a control on the designs and we are able to create the innovative new designs because still now. China have been producing the products for European and Western audience only because they are the biggest consumer and they pick designs which are more related to them. and now we are not just creating their choice designs, but also the choice, the designs, which will relate more to Indian audience also.


In fact, I won't be surprised if China starts looking at your designs and starts copying them because eventually they'll realize that these are more in trend versus You know, some of the sad stuff that they're producing. So yeah you might want to watch out for that. But that's good. I really love the design that you've come up. In fact, this reminds me in this whole talk about India and China and imports and exports, reminds me of one interesting statistic that I came across, between 2014 2020 the, um, Import toys in India declined by 52% and the rise of exports was close to about 240 percent in terms of rise of exports. So we were bringing lesser toys from Um, China and other countries and we were sending more made in India toys outside of India. So, Minali, you're so close to this, um, industry and you're seeing this happen day in and day out. What do you think are the main contributors to this trend?


Prime Minister Modi So that's the biggest answer for this question because I think just after, yeah, in between the Covid only the policy was put in place where there were high imports on toys. Almost a hundred percent. And even when that was not able to help the BIS came into picture and BIS is equivalent to a EN 71 in Europe and a STM in us. So these are so what, what was happening before 2020? All kind of toys were getting dumped in India. whether it is you know, five rupees that plastic toys or, you know, lot of low quality toys were coming in India. And the first thing that was done in toy industry was to bring the certification into place. That this is the most important thing which we are giving to a child. And child is very delicate to. Thing in our life. And if we are not testing the products, what we are giving to them, it's not safe. So that safety factor was never there in India and the current government brought that restrictions that without BIS. The products cannot enter India. And even for the manufacturers in India, the BIS regulations are very strict and we all the manufacturers follow that. Everybody has to have a testing labs in their factories. Due to which a lot of imports were restricted and government was so, serious about this, these kind of regulations that there were so many raids that had happened in all across the nations. Even big stores like Hamley's had to give answer and all the products which were not BIS certified and they were just imported from China were. Destroyed and even on the ports the toys were not allowed to enter and they were actually destroying it by burning the toys and everything. Because they had to take so much strict action so that people stop. Otherwise if they are just putting the fine, people were ready to put you know, give the fine and everything, but they were very strict. No, no answer, no money was helping anyone. um, it was a great move. It was a difficult time for the whole toy industry, not for us, because we were just entering the market and we were entering with all the regulations, but the people who were there in the industry for a longer time, who were importers, they had a very hard time that time, but I think everybody is now happy because, As you know, the numbers of imports have dropped drastically and people are forced, who are not doing, they are forced to make products in India and now they have got so much opportunities. Then government policies in India such that they promote all the manufacturers to do exhibitions outside India. There are so many subsidies that we have been getting from government. So government is pushing hard for us. They are giving us a lot of opportunities to go out and showcase. So I really feel that the current government is doing a very good job.

Track 1:

Absolutely. Absolutely.


That's a very strong statement, especially in the election year, Minali. So


But it's a thing, which I am saying I'm not very political person that I'm just, you know, I'm doing Modi, Modi, but we can see that, but it's really, it really helped. So, yeah,


read, yeah, you're speaking on based on your personal experience and opinion, right? So which is great. In fact, just a couple of days ago, I was reading um, Yeah. India has been declared as the cancer capital of the world, right? And, um, I think, um, one of them, and you spoke about a very important thing, how sensitive children are, and I feel one of them, that could be leading us towards cancer and those kind of illnesses could be the exposure to harmful chemicals especially when there is no quality control, um, in place, right? Um, I'm very worried when kids put toys in their mouth and there's this, all this paint and color and the plastic, it could be low quality plastic, right? Which is now in inside pretty much inside their body or their system. So I feel that can those statistics will hopefully get addressed in the long term with such policies and measures in place.



Track 1:

I had a question regarding this. The same thing what Amit is asking. So you said that BIS, Bureau of Indian Standards, you follow, you have a lab in the factory and you do you know, quality checks. So how does it work? Can you briefly tell it? How does it work? I mean, do you test each and every toy or do you test patches? How does the process work? All


make a new product you have to first when you have developed only, like you, you have not created the whole batches, you have to send it for testing, in BIS. And once the BIS tests are done first you have to do the testing in your labs. There are the set of tests which they have given. That you have to do it at your test factory and those reports we have to keep ready. And when we send the product for testing in the labs which are being accredited by BIS once the test is passed, they ask for our test reports also. And once they approve it on their system that this is BIS certified, then only we can print the product and sell the product.

Track 1:

right, I'm sure this will be very helpful for anybody, you know, who's going to start a new business and, you know, we'll be starting new toy business. So they should know what the process is.


And BIS is

Track 1:

That's great.


not only to sell it offline, But even online, if you want to sell the products, BIS is mandatory in India.

Track 1:

Okay. So nobody can sell a toy today without a BIS certification.


not. So if people are doing it online,

Track 1:

should not.


They might get into grave danger. It is not allowed. And the best part is, Is it also apply to

Track 1:

Handicraft products, if you are aware of it?


no. Handicraft. No,

Track 1:

Not to those.


on those. And it is only applicable for the toys, which are for under 16 years of age, not for above 16 years of age

Track 1:

all right. All right.


Those are the ones that put the toys in the mouth.

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think BIS is a boon because if your product is BIS certified, which is a very stringent testing process in India. Your product will not get failed when it is going for EN71 and ASTM, which are the Europe and US testing standards. So I think it's a really good thing which had happened to Toy Industry.


so that is also good to know that, the standards are at par with these international standards. So if you were to pass through BIS, that means there's a very good chance that you will go through the other standards too.


Yes, that's correct.


That's nice.

Track 1:

All right. So what's next for PepPlay? Are there any new products or initiatives that you're planning in the coming years?


Yeah. So we have recently launched this velvet canvases, which I was showing it to you, so these are the canvases form this, we have launched for the teenager,

Track 1:

This is cool. This is cool. This is cool. Singham. Singham. I


for the corporates, you know, because these are very relaxing for mind and it really helps, so. People to get so this is one more design, which is on music. So like this, we have many designs and then we are also thinking to start something on terracotta because terracotta is very Indian clay and it gives a feel of India the PO of India, the mud cars, and the history of India. So this is a toy where a child can color. And it on their table for good luck or something like that. we are also developing these you know, money banks where a child. So, we wanted to do something modern where dinosaur is something which every child loves. Um, but the piggy banks are always in form of pig or, you know, the houses or those shapes. we wanted to do something like this. Even like NASA has decided to take astronauts to moon. So we thought that we can also do something different for children where they can, you know, relate the astronauts and this is a toy where they can color it. And then they can store their money in this. this is the range that we are developing.


This one is going to be a Super Rick toy this year because we are expecting NASA to send to space again this year.




yeah, I'm sure this is going to be a trending toy.


are just working on it. It's not yet finished. So this is a special toy. This is for small children, like one year old children where the tummy of this toy is magical. So there's a magic here. It comes with this special water pen. when a child color it, they will find clothes behind it. And the best part of this toy is that when it dries up it again becomes white. So a child as small as like one and a half to who have just started holding the pen. They love to do this. It's a magical toy. The name of this toy is Singha. And the size is apt for their hands. Singha. Singha. Singha means Sing Singha. So we're still

Track 1:

heard Singham.


so we're still developing it. I think by September we should be able to launch this one.

Track 1:

This is cute. This is cute.


So we are getting the early preview of soon to come toys, Rahul. If you need toy

Track 1:

Yeah. Oh,


Yeah, then Rahul and I will we'll sign up.


Pep is very,


your target persona.


pep PepPlay got famous popular very fast because of the reusable series we have. So, you know, coloring has always been on paper. And canvas. So it was always one time thing. Once it is wrong. You have to use the new paper. So we have this whole range of reusable products. So this is our superhero cape a child can color the cape. They can wear it. They can write the name and just wash it in the washing machine. And it is voila. It is again new. So every time they can do it, they can use a different colors all the time. Do innovations. Then we have these reusable mats, coloring mats. It's a big box. So these mats are a hundred percent usable. It comes with a special wet, it is markers. So we spend a lot of time doing research on making the product little innovative so that a child is engaged for more time. So when a child is coloring on a reusable mats, right now, they comes with a dry erase pen. So when they're doing the color comes on their hands, the color, you know, the matte colors goes smashed and it goes merged. that was a problem that every parent was facing to eradicate that. We invented a pen where it will be only erased with wet water, like wet cloth. Otherwise the color will be dried. So, so a child who is coloring the mat, they can actually keep the mat for a longer time. Use it as a placemat use at a dinner table and kind of thing. So that is a concept that we have worked on and it's working really good.



Track 1:

that's great.


up a toy brand is not only about being creative, being sustainable you know, there's so many things going on over here, which is very intriguing. and I also recently saw one of your LinkedIn posts where there was an elderly lady who was actually playing with your toys and she was describing how it has helped you know, a lot of people, especially with dementia elderly people with dementia. you tell us what was your first reaction when you saw that? And how do you think, this is going to shape your products in the future?


So, um, I'll tell you a story behind it. So, um, I have a grandmother who lives with us. She's 85 now. And she's mostly at in her room only because she can't walk much, but she loves to spend time with my daughter a lot. When a old person becomes old they are as good as a child. And they can't do much things, but they love to do easy things. So we gave her the velvet card and she was enjoying coloring it because her hand was shaking. But when the shaking hand comes on the velvet card, the result is always good because you know, it, it doesn't go on the part. And my daughter was also coloring with her. And both of them were enjoying the time. And that is when I realized that, wow, so this product can go well to all the old age homes and where they don't have to have anything, but they want activities like a child. We want to engage our child. So we want to engage our old, older also, because they are also getting bored. And all our toys was sums for the age group of three to 10. And that is the age. Like if you go for 70 to 80 or 70 to a hundred years. age group people, they are also like children and they love these products and when they are doing it and they are able to complete it, it boosts so much confidence to them. They feel so good about it. They're able to, you know, recognize the number. They are able to interact with the children. They are able to interact with grandchildren. So that connection is built. It's really important. which we, we didn't thought that will work, but it is working really well. And even

Track 1:

That's good.


diverse children, our products are helping so much in that community as well, because our products the base of our product is. Building or doing the products independently without much health. And if a child is doing any product any anything without any health, the first thing that comes in a child is the confidence. They feel so confident that I have able to do it. in neurodiverse community, that is the biggest challenge a child goes through because they have a self doubt about themself. And when they do such activities where they are able to do it without the help, they feel, wow, this is something I want to do again and again. So, our toys does not help small children, but it is. You know, helping a lot of different age group people be it neurodivers, be it the old people, be it to people who are just stressed out from their life, they have to just do coloring. Coloring is the best meditative thing they can do ever.

Track 1:

Cool. So, Minali, can you tell us a little bit about the services you offer for toy manufacturers? I mean, how you help other people who want to build their own toy brands?


Are doing OEM services for people outside India, because since PepPlay is already there in India, we we Don't make similar products for Indian brands. But if there are people around the globe outside India, who wants to build their brand we are open to do the manufacturing for them. PepPlay acts as a catalog where we show, Then that this is a capability. And, um, if they want to build anything apart from the PepPlay catalog that we have a very strong sourcing team. recently we are being in discussion with brands like Faber Castell, Sassy, and, um, RMS, where we are sourcing for them products and making their designs for them. Um, and also we are providing design services for a few brands where they want only the illustration part to be done because illustrations in India are much the value of the illustration work is much less than what is happening outside India. we also get that done.

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Um, yeah, and we are open to sell our products. India. So if anybody wants to start their own business where they don't know where to start we are open, they can buy our products and start reselling in that area. And once they get confidence that these kinds of products are working for them, we can create products in their own branding as well.

Track 1:

Great. Entertainment, you're probably making a lot of money. Yep. Minali.


are a lot of, um, investors or let's say startup founders outside of India. Um, you know, who are looking for new products and maybe when they're listening to this they'll realize that yes, they can reach out to Minali and we'll have your links in the description of this video. Um, so people should be able to reach out to you and ask you for more advice and help with their own brand manufacturing. Right. So which is definitely an important area because not so a lot of people may have ideas and the resources in terms of funds to be able to bring a brand to life, but they may not have the technical Skills and the infrastructure to be able to produce a good brand. Um, Manali, I'm also seeing a growing trend of Bharat inspired toys. Um, is, you know, especially in India and now even overseas. Um, I was at a store called one more recently and I saw, um, a range of products called Matra Bhoomi and really good. Creative products. I fell in love with, you know, some of their toys. And what are your thoughts on this trend? Are you seeing that you know, especially because you're so close to the market are you seeing this trend and what are you doing to address this trend?


I think it's a very interesting trend, which is going on. And it is in parallel to the fact that Made in India toys are getting promoted now. And people are moving from Made in China to Made in India. And um, since are designing everything in India, we have a thought process, we have such a strong culture. Cultural history in India and India is full of resources. And when we are developing products, we always think that how we can teach the history or, you know, educational toys, something which is very much trending right now and when it comes to educational toys, we think that how we can include, you know, The culture of India in the toys so that children, when they are learning, they are playing with the toys, they're able to relate more. And I think especially for a large community of people who are living outside India they really feel the need of that cultural connect. For their children, because obviously they are staying there, but they have that connection to their nation and they always want to be connected and they want their children to be connected and toys. Or games is the best way to make them know about the culture. And I really think, this will help parents to connect with their child more. And this trend will go more ahead. That is what I feel.


That's great. And, um, finally my last question when Minali would be, where can we buy your products today? Where are they sold today?


So our products are almost everywhere in India, wherever you will go. So currently we are on Amazon, Flipkart, FirstCry hen in offline stores we are in Hamleys Toys Crossword. Now we are also started business with Adani Group. So we'll be present in all Adani airports. And then we are obviously available on our website www dot PepPlay dot and outside India. We are available in UK Ireland, Mauritius. UAE, Singapore, and we have just started one consignment with us in Barbados. So, yeah, so we are eagerly looking for people who want to start business or who have business in toy industry in us to come and see our portfolio, we'll be more than happy to start business in us because I really feel that our products will. Be a good addition to that market And, um, in fact, um, I was talking to one of my friends last year, and I was saying that there are so many spouses who go along with the people in us and they want to do thing and they don't know what to start, give them the idea that they can do the return gift business because every child has a birthday and everybody calls 20 to 30 friends these days and gifts is a very big market these days. You know, can buy these products and do WhatsApp marketing, whatever they want to do. US is a big market. They can start. That's the


Absolutely. No I completely agree. I have seen those party packs that you have on your website, especially that cape the princess cape one, right? So I've seen you can buy a pack of 12 and, and 36. So that's really creative, right? So it's nice. wonderful. Minali I'm really Glad that you were able to give us this time at this late hour in the night and share all the insights and your experiences in this industry. We wish you all the best on behalf of the whole Indian community. I'm I'm really delighted to see a made in India. brand coming up and competing with these big names and big players. So we're cheering for you. And we hope that every child you know, is able to enjoy the toys that play and you make. So thank you so much for what you do.




Excellent. you.

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