Indian.Community Podcast

Building a Healthier India: Konstantin Riabtsev on Modernizing India's Healthcare #30

Konstantin Riabtsev Episode 30

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In this episode of the Indian Community Podcast, Amit Gupta and Rahul Mehra host Konstantin Ryabtsev, CEO and co-founder of Lifetime Health. Konstantin shares his personal journey and inspiration behind founding Lifetime Health, focusing on streamlining healthcare and providing all essential services digitally in India. He discusses the company's innovative approach in offering lab tests, nursing care, and physiotherapy at patients' doorsteps, highlighting their efforts in digital integration, quality control, and staff training. Konstantin also reflects on the significant challenges they face in partnerships and management, and emphasizes the need for healthy dietary practices and preventive healthcare. The episode concludes with Konstantin's vision for Lifetime Health's future growth and his advice to aspiring entrepreneurs.

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Konstantin you mentioned about our, dietary practices, which you did not like.


Basic rules are to avoid sugar to eat more vegetables,


What would be that one piece of advice that you would like to share with anybody who's planning to start?


This journey will be full of pain, full of difficulties.


Welcome to the Indian Community Podcast. I'm your host, Amit Gupta, along with my co host, Rahul Mehra. Today, we are honored to have a special guest with us, Konstantin Ryabtsev. Konstantin is the CEO and co founder of Lifetime Health, a company dedicated to transforming the health and wellness industry through innovative products and services in India. He has been instrumental in driving Lifetime Health's mission to make a positive impact on people's lives. Transcribed Constantine, we're thrilled to have you here today. Welcome to the Indian Community Podcast.


Hi. Nice to meet you. Nice to hear you.


Great. So Constantine, can you share with us what is your journey leading up to the founding of Lifetime Health? What inspired you to start this venture?


So my journey started when I was 18 and I had some personal experience with it in different hospitals, different clinic. Actually, I had a heart surgery and realized that it's like a nightmare because every time. I need to have some consultation or I need to have some tests or something else in healthcare. I need to keep my papers. I need to find the right specialist. to check his expertise by myself. And then I realized that healthcare industry should be transformed. is something else that should be fixed. And later I was working at VK. com. That's the second largest social network in the world. So my core expertise is in product and marketing. And in the same time I've seen how different industries were transforming, you know, that delivery industries, you can order anything at your doorstep, like food, anything from different stores and there was no need to go outside. And you can keep everything in one app. But in healthcare, it's different. So I dreamed about building a company, which will provide the same level of service. So that's how we found the idea of Lifetime Health. Like our core mission is to help you keep all your healthcare data in one place. And to find any healthcare service in the same place as you need.


That's excellent. Um, and there's a personal story behind setting up something like this. So why did you choose India?


So previously I lived in different countries. I was born and lived in Russia. Then I moved to Czech Republic and I lived there a few years. and we run a successful business in these countries, most of them, they're quite regulated and they are at late stages of the market. we were looking for some market. At early stage, where we can improve people's life, where we can, uh, show an impact when we can like, show this difference between services on the market. we were exploring different markets and we found that, of course, India is like the leading based by their population but I had my trip to India. And I visited different labs, different health centers, I realized that like 80 percent of the market is based on small clinics at the ground floors. And every time I visit some of these doctors, they even don't have a laptop and they don't keep any papers, any records. They just create a prescription and usually it's like a short term treatment. They don't care about long term vision. They don't care about like your food habits, about you like, post, like for example, post surgery rehabilitation. So we realized that here like in India, they're like there is a huge group of people who doesn't have access to good quality healthcare. Okay. And so what we did. What are we doing on this market country? we've created a digital workplace for doctors where they can track their patients records for free. They can create prescriptions help them to improve patient service. For example if they need some injections or fluid scores, or there is some surgery rehabilitation or some elderly or chronic disease group we help them to create and plan their treatment we show them in their, Workplace how it goes so they can stay in touch with the patient and they understand what's going on There was one case we had recently Like we started Physiotherapy services to an elderly patient who is 70 years old he was bedridden so we created a plan and like a few days ago his family, they showed us a video that he's working, he's active and everyone is surprised how it looks like. So our main mission is to help this group of people. To get good quality healthcare service at home, so they don't need to go and spend time like waiting in queues, staying in bungalows traffic or tier one cities traffic in India. You know that three top cities of India, they are in top 10 cities. Of the like worst traffic ever in the world.


Oh, I remember back in the day when I used to live in Bangalore, it was called the the garden city or the lake city of India at least the garden city. But now it's called the traffic city, right? So times have changed dramatically. So you're correct. And I'm very, um, thrilled to hear that story that you just shared about the elderly gentleman who was feeling much better and the family is also very grateful. So that's very good work. Thank you.


Yeah. That is the case which inspires our team. So we just we started actively running our campaign in South part of Bangalore in January. So currently we are opening second branch in Maratahalli. It's like another part of Bangalore. next three, four months is we plan to cover for Bangalore. So we just completed first thousand of our orders. Okay. And I think we'll grow rapidly here.


Absolutely. Excellent. Congratulations for that.


Thank you.


Constantin I know a lot of medical healthcare companies today out there in the market and springing up, you know, every month we see new healthcare startups. So how is your company different from others in the market?


So first of all we see the different companies, most of them were like launched and created or 10 years ago, they are not so deep into digital, so most of their operations are manual. If they need to if you want to plan your appointment, you need to call them, you need to confirm every change in your order. And most of them, they don't even have an app so you can track your records. You can track anything you need. So first different is that like we are an it company, we're building it product. And for every stakeholder in our company, we have three main stakeholders. Our medical staff nurses, they have their own app where they can take all those track, every change get trained, train, cetera. They have doctors and clinics. And they have their own workplace. And of course we have B2C customers. So as a customer, you can download the app, you can create an order, you can cancel order, you can do research between different services and tests and choose whatever you need, what exactly you need. So it's the first part. second part is about quality. what we see in Indian market currently, and it's still going on. Even largest players, don't care as much as they should about disposables and other stuff. For example, one of our competitors they don't have these inventory management. And every time nurses come into the patient. They ask nurse to buy disposables in the nearest storage, in the nearest store, in the pharmacy. So imagine like, every time one of your thousand nurses is coming to provide some injection or some outdressing, they buy random quality of disposables. So it shouldn't work like this. And sometimes they come directly to the patient house. And patient says, okay I've got this possible by myself. do it. So we never know like what quality it is and how safe it is. So We are changing. So, these small points. So for example, we have. Our quality control, we buy all disposables all of them are one time usage. So, you will be sure that every neurosis coming from our site for every service we provide will have the same standard disposables. It's first thing. second thing most of them they had different training session. And most of the companies, they don't care about this training part. They just hire them. put them directly to the patient house or to the hospital. And based on their experience, they start providing these services. I have one of the examples. I was surprised because because, um, a lot of nurses and doctors, they still keep taking your blood making blood collection using syringes. And after that they like put blood from syringe into vacuum tube and your results they can be clear, they can be like, exact as they should be because there was a contact with air between. there was a standard on the market, how you can. Collect blood other things. And we invite different advisors from international branches of famous clinics. they help us to write guidelines. And then we have training session. And currently. One more example in Indian market, there are two categories of healthcare staff are phlebotomists nurses. usually phlebotomists are well trained to use vacuum tubes and nurses, they use syringes only, and then they provide different services. So we train nurses. And we have one unified category of staff who can provide like every kind of service in the same time, with high quality.


Um, that, that sounds very promising. Um, Konstantin. So, um, it's great that you're focusing on standardization, modernization, and and quality, right? So I think those were the core themes that I was picking up from what you just said. Um, now, Establishing a startup, we all understand has challenges. I'm sure you would have also gone through, um, some of them. What did you feel were some of the biggest challenges while establishing, um, your business?


So, you know, startup, it's like a roller coaster every day. It's a new challenge.




at every step you have different but I think one of the main challenges is between working with other partners. So we don't want to invent the wheel. And when we see when we can, case we can find the right partner, we work with the right partner. So for example, we don't like launch our own lab. We use our partners. We've worked with Orange Health, we work with Metropolis Health, and we're discussing different partnership program with other companies on the market. For example, we plan to provide our nurses we plan to provide few benefits to our nurses. For example, they can use EULA bikes for free when they work in lifetime. So, one of the biggest challenge is working with other players, because even if you customize some integration and you discuss that you'll provide everything in digital way, they continue doing it manually. we had a crazy experience with few labs in the market. Before we started working with our current partners we create integrations, but every time we send the tube they marked papers. They wrote everything on the paper they processed all these tubes in the lab manually. So it took like much longer time. And when we start working with any new partner, currently we a meeting where we discuss all the steps. And like, and how important scale scalability and automation for us is. I think this is one of the challenges and the second challenge is management here, because as I see most of Indian people, like since their childhood they work in these micro management. Style like they need to have tasks for every day. They need someone to check this task and we are trying to build like our stuff is more independent directions. can you know, they can lead their own direction, find the right solution without involving a lot of people in this, in these circles. I think this two are our main challenges here, but there are a lot of them. But the good like a good news is that every challenge we know how to solve.


That's a very interesting point you made about micromanagement and everyday task, right? It's definitely a leader's worst nightmare to be able to come up with new tasks every day for the team or even repeat the same task every day. So I'm glad that you are already aware of this and, um, are treating this as something that you want to address head on. Um, so Konstantin, can you quickly summarize what are the key services that you offer at Lifetime Health? So we understand you're into health and wellness, but what are the exact services that you offer?


So key services what Lifetime offer is lab testing. So we provide more than 2000 tests at your doorstep. We provide you ECG and other devices. We have portable device to track your health. And we can even provide express tests from your fingerprick. We provide like glucose testing, lipid profile, and a few more tests from your, blood from your finger. And other two, like, main services from Lifetime is nursing care. Including every nursing service you need at home, like injection, infusion, IV fluid wound dressing, elderly care, and diabetes packages. And we recently launched physiotherapy direction. once you have any post surgery problems, or like you need rehabilitation, we send you high quality physio at home. And he or she creates your personal Plan how to recover your health,


That's excellent. So essentially you have an app and your customers, Can order these services through the app.


right? Right. Half of our revenue is coming from doctors.




we work with prescription if you want to do injection or any service with different medicines, we always request for a prescription because we don't want to have this risk. And we think like anytime you should discuss it with a doctor.


And what services do you offer to doctors?


So, um, our like typical doctor, he works in clinic has a lot of patients, he, but every time his patient they need injection or something. they're looking for these professional by them, by themselves. what we do we give him access. So digital workplace, he can keep all prescriptions and he can track every order about his patients. Okay. And like, as a doctor, we create personal website for this doctor for free we put table tent and QR sticker in his clinic. And the only thing he should do just to refer his client to to scan this code.


That's excellent.


So like as a doctor, imagine like as a doctor, you can start providing. can have your own home health care department covering the whole city and you don't have to pay this. We even have some programs and some benefits and some revenue sharing for doctors.




Nice. That's good. So, are there any particular customer success stories or, uh, you know, testimonials that stand out to you and, uh, exemplify the impact of lifetime health?


So we we have a lot of cases like, like, the one I mentioned before, but I think the most like struggling problem on the market we're resolving. Thank you. It's about families with kids, elderly people because every time they need to have some course or they need to have some rehabilitation program they need to go to the local hospital or clinic. And it usually takes a long time like writing, spending time in traffic and then waiting in queues because I visited so many clinics and so many hospitals and this queue area is always full of people. And I understand that. And there are like different bottlenecks why it happens. For example there was a product on the market. they offer like, you can schedule appointment and be on time, but most doctors, they have their manual appointments as well. And even if you booked like 9am, you go to this clinic, there are like three, four people waiting for you, waiting for this doctor and they say, sorry, we have appointment as well. So just wait here. So, um, I think Like, one of the proudest segment, one of the proudest case for me is we have few patients living abroad and one of them is like a doctor from Australia. And they were looking for someone who can care who can take care about their parents. So, they're staying abroad and we provide them full report in digital. They can care about their parents living abroad. So it's really nice thing. I understand it like as a kid my parents are living in different country every time I want to order something, I understand that in most ho in most hospitals, I need to call them. In different country, I need to describe them what I want, like write address, all these details. if I do in the classic way, it takes so much time. It's like such a big pain for me. And when I use a service like Lifetime Health, I can create order online. Our support can discuss every detail all details in WhatsApp. So it's like, their life really easier and happier compared to previous experience.


Yeah, and that was exactly one of the use cases. I was also thinking of right especially for A lot of indian immigrants who are living overseas This is one of the constant challenges of, uh, how to give care back at home especially when the family really needs it. Um, and, you know, I think the nursing segment is one where a lot of us have been through these you know, situations where even finding a nurse is not very easy, um, back home, right? And especially if you're very far, um, living in a different country, then from finding a nurse with that distance can be very difficult. And, um, the one other thing is also making sure that your parents are getting their Health checks done in time and regularly, right? So I think with your service, people can just come to your website and place these orders and automatically the services, um, you know, done at the residence. Is that a fair understanding?


Yeah, that's right. That's right. And there was one,




that we work more like Zomato or Blinkit we open logistic hub with 10 kilometers coverage area. And every nurse who start their day, they start from the office. So once they start from the office to like the nearest order, um, maximum time to reach patient home is 30 minutes.


Oh, that's great. That's great.


So you don't have to wait for hours most of them, they work like freelancers. And they have places where they start their like way and imagine like Bangalore like to reach from one part of city to another you may spend two hours. And in case you have any, complicated case at home and you spent more time, next patient will wait like much more time than he expected.


So in your service, you're able to provide them, um, the nurse or the the attendant in 30 minutes


Right. Right.


and, um, right now, are you only serving Bangalore? Is that the only city that is being served at this point?


Right. We we are only serving Bangalore currently,




actually we are serving South, South part of Bangalore. Now we have first office in Janagar. And recently we opened second office in Marta Halle, but we understand we need at least five or six more offices to cover Bangalore and be in time


You're right.


have so many leads, so many requests from different parts of Bangalore and, um, I see that it's not such a big problem. Like in the city center, are so many hospitals, so many clinics. So even if you wait in queues you can find a way how to like get your nurse, but, uh, tier one cities in India are growing so fast. 400, 000 people are come like 400, 000 newcomers Bangalore, like are appearing every year. And when they're looking for a flat or like place to stay, they stay near Bangalore in forest areas. And in most cases, it's some big gated communities or new houses without infrastructure around. So even. If they need some service, they will, like, travel much longer and imagine it's like someone old like your parents staying there. like a, like a it's a really big problem for them to get this service. And a lot of people recommended us to go to tier two cities and tier three cities. because quality of health care services are like lower there and there was more need. So I think in future, once we will big cities, we'll go to far locations so we can provide the service to people who actually don't have any local suppliers currently. So first of all, I believe that preventive healthcare journey will be mandatory for everyone. What I currently see on at the Indian market it's first of all a large number of diabetes and different cardio cases, on the market people's like, bad habits, they're smoking a lot, they're eating unhealthy food and like, this habit is everywhere, and it's really hard to find here a place where you can eat healthy because most of the places they provide you food based on bread and then they provide you a lot of sugar and different desserts. And every time I'm coming to some local cafe to have a breakfast, I think I have more than 30 favorite places in Bangalore currently. But I'm staring at other tables, um, checking, I'm curious like, what Indians usually eat. And in most cases at the breakfast, I see like hot chocolate, pancakes, like something made of bread and meat. And imagine you eat it on the breakfast on your empty stomach and you have like really high glucose spikes. So it makes sense like this level of diabetes on the market. so what we actually what I actually think should be changed. People should understand how their food and how they're living. Transform their lives and transform their health. Okay. And if you change your habits a little at early, like at early stage, you can prevent these diseases and this treatment in the future, because of course you can go to the doctor every time he'll give you some medicines, like you will resolve your short term issue, but then it's like It will appear again and again, and every time it's getting worse and worse. So what we actually like when I do during our recovery rehabilitation program we create educational like content people how to live longer and how to live healthier. So first of all, I think like. like a segment should be improved. And the second one, of course, like AI and digital is going everywhere. So like, so many companies transforming industry using digital and AI tools, because it helps you to avoid like unnecessary manual operations, so many stages and spending your time without any impact. So, we are keeping all patients data. And we plan to provide them insights based on this data in the future.


So that's very encouraging, Konstantin, um, and, um, also disturbing to see that our dietary habits are leading to these lifestyle diseases. So where do you think lifetime health is going to be in the next five years?


So our main goal is to extend our coverage area and to provide equal quality in every city of India. So this year we are focusing to scale in Bangalore make our process stable because you know, we are a startup. course, we meet different challenges. Sometimes we have delays, sometimes we have bad experience we are working to improve it. To fix it, that in the future we can scale without losing our quality. in five years, we plan to scale across all tier one cities. And if possible, we'll go for the to scale it across tier two cities. And our main you know, 80 percent of our orders. Now they're most about, most of them are about injection infusion, some short term programs but we plan to build packages and long term program for families. So they can like stay in this program and we will show them how to keep the whole family like including preventive health programs, including like recovery programs in parts. So it's like one place where you will know how to stay healthy. And leave not like, 65 every chairs, more.


That is cool. Yeah, I wish you good luck with that journey. I'm sure more cities in India need these kind of services, especially the whole modernization of the medical practice. If you're able to support that's going to be very helpful. Um, now. You've been an entrepreneur. You're also living the dream of an entrepreneur. What advice would you give to an aspiring entrepreneur? So somebody who's watching this and thinking, okay, I want to be doing something like this, um, or I want to start my own health and wellness, um, we speak with a lot of people every day who are in this segment or who are thinking of getting into this segment. What would be that one piece of advice that you would like to share with anybody who's planning to start?


So I think first and the most important point everyone who is going into entrepreneurship journey should understand that this journey will be full of pain, full of difficulties. And if you go into this journey, you should be positive. You're like the most important person in the team who should like share this energy with other teammates. Who should be the one who will set up this power in your company to be like a light for them and help them to go through all these challenges. And the second one, and I think one of the most important points being the partner that you can be the smartest. Guy in every direction. And from one side, you should find the smartest people in the market and to involve them to like, to make them believe in your idea. So they'll spend their hours, they'll spend their lives to go to reach the same goal with you. So, when I before starting this project I worked in a few large companies but I was so curious about healthcare. So I studied in biotechnology and I think that was one of the best parts of my experience because I worked in a lab. I talked to different scientists and healthcare professionals, and I understood this industry. Like from inside, and another point is you should find right people who will advise you and help you to penetrate this market. So, like currently we have more than five cool advisors in different segments. of them is a doctor working as a vice president in Apollo group. One of them is like product head in one of the largest companies in India. Another one is working as a VC investor. So in every direction, you should find the right people who advise you and help you. And you should like you shouldn't be the smartest person. be the one who to know how to. connect them together for one main goal.


I love that. I think that is that is one of the wisest responses to this question. So I wouldn't call it the smartest. I will call it the wisest because it makes it makes most sense, um, you know, to be surrounded by smarter people than you. That's one of the best responses that I've had to this question. So thank you for and




Konstantin you mentioned about our, um, dietary practices, which you did not like. So I'm going to ask you a question on that. Um, what do you think is Unhealthy and what do you think is healthy? Right? So, what foods would you categorize as unhealthy in the Indian diet? And what do you think are the most healthy food options in the Indian diet?


See there are like a lot of researchers. It's not my personal opinion. I use data and statistic and different researchers to understand like what is healthy and what is unhealthy. of course you can eat. any food, but it based on like how much you eat, how much you eat this kind of food. Of course, sometimes I can have a burger or can, I can like drink a bottle of Coke, it's a really rare scenario. So, there are a few things you should avoid to keep your life healthy. you should avoid sugar in drinks. You should avoid sugar in deserts. And even if you want to eat the deserts. better to eat like one in first half of the day. And second one is every time you eat something, it should consist some vegetables, some fresh vegetables. there are different researches like which shows that when you eat some vegetables, as a first course of your meal even if you eat some sugar then, or eat some burger. glucose spikes they wouldn't be as high as they will be if you eat like this deserts on empty stomach. Okay. So there was like Mediterranean diet, which is really like healthy and popular. can follow it, but basic rules are to avoid sugar to eat more vegetables, at least third part of your meal, and to eat less bread and less products, including bread, like pasta, pizza, burger, and et cetera,


So essentially, um, um, we have to reduce our carbohydrate and,




um, you know, gluten and, you know, wheat kind of consumption, right? So especially with wheat, um, you know, there is a whole wheat flour and then there is enriched wheat flour. A lot of times people end up having enriched wheat flour, which is, I I think it's called in India, it's called in Hindi. And a lot of things that we we enjoy when we eat out, like the naan and the puris and they're all made of this maida and, um, that starts leading to a lot of health issues. So, thank you.


So recently I found one of my Indian friends showed me like local dosa restaurant where they serve it perfectly. And almost every day for one week, I was eating this dosa for every breakfast. And it was so hard for me to stop doing this. Okay. So I understand like, like so many dishes here are like really tasty. But like, of course you can keep eating them, but don't like set it as a habit for every day. Okay. It's better to have one day a week, for example, where you can eat anything you want, but other days you keep you try to like keep it in a healthy way.


So what do you do on days when there's a Wednesday and they have a one on one free offer?


That's a real issue. I think


That's what,


an it's another topic for a new podcast, I think.




thank you sir.


Raul you should join him on a one on one you know, buy one, get one free day so that he's not having to, right? So you are, you're sharing it. So then it's okay.


I think




by in, you know, struggling with this one on one thing. Somebody in the family says they want the pizza and how do you control your diabetes in that case? Yeah, but that's a joke.


So constant and final question is, um, you're doing a you're trying to build something beautiful. Um, I love the overall experience of the Lifetime Health website. And we're going to put the links to a Lifetime Health in the bottom of this video. Um, lifetimehealth. in. I love the experience. I love what you're building. I think it's very clean. You know, very sharp. What keeps you motivated to be doing this? Because waking up every day with that energy and going into work, motivating your team, what motivates Constantine?


I think idea motivates me. So what I realized when I was a kid. I started my career early stage of my life, I was like 16 and I was working in marketing. I was running my small marketing agency.




People spend different, like, useless thing, things. Okay? But you live you're living your, like, the only life. Of course, there are, like, different opinions on this point, I think early you're living your, like, the only life and the most important thing you can do here is to live it longer, to live it healthier, to more time with your relatives and, like, different families. And when I realized that like if people can spend like marketing budget of Coca Cola or other big brand put it into healthcare industry, where we can like treat cancer, we can treat so many diseases faster than it's now it's currently. So for me, like healthcare is like the main important. segment in the world, and until we find like solution and treatment for diseases, until we find a way how to live longer, how to stay like 120 without this. elderly period, be in hospitals. I think other industries aren't so important. So seeing, like thinking about this and see, and seeing cases for our customers is like the most important thing for me, it keeps me motivating. And I think that we are doing the right thing. So I hope this impact will scale it and we will show it should be in the future.


love that Constantine, you've given me a new goal. 120 is what you just said, right? Typically people are happy with the sixties and eighties but you're raising the bar and saying that is possible. As long as we we fix our habits today, um, so that is.


I think this is a goal. We'll like people will reach this goal sooner or later. Yeah. I want to live in population who reached this goal, not like in 100 years later. So it might be a good topic for us to meet, like after 50 years to discuss it one more time.


Absolutely. I'm sure the podcast is going to be around for a long time, and we will, we'll stay in touch with you, when you move to new cities and new offerings. you know, come back to the Indian community podcast. Constantine, I'm so glad you've come here. You shared what you do. You shared why you do what you do And on behalf of the entire team at the Indian community podcast, want to wish you all the best in your journey and I am also very hopeful that You know offerings like yours will make indians more healthy and live longer like you just said, right? all want to do You the 120. So, in fact if I may say Rahula up key bar, her bar, eight. So these bar, you know, should be the next mission for healthy India. So what I just said is is you know, now, and every time we should all be hitting that 120. I really love what you just said constant. And I think, um, you've, you motivated me with that number. Um, and I feel that's another or that's a very important number everybody should be chasing and living more responsibly. So thank you so much for appearing on the show and sharing what you do. We wish you all the best.


Thank you.


much. It was so pleasant to talk with you. So hope to see you next time.


Absolutely. 50 years from now is one episode that you promised, but I'm sure we'll meet We'll meet many more times before that. Bye-Bye.


for sure.










Bye. Bye.

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